The aim of this workshop is to know what Terraform is, know the basic concepts to deploy a simple project as well as acquire the skills to deploy more complex projects.

What you will learn

Note: Terraform binaries, documentation and additional information are available on the Terraform website

Terraform is a tool to manage Infrastructure as Code (IaC)1. It is used to create, manage and update infrastructure resources by creating simple text files following the Terraform Configuration Language.

Terraform is an open source tool written in Go destined to write Infrastructure as Code and to deploy resources defined in the code. Code must be written using the `Hashicorp Configuration Language declarative language.

Terraform supports multiple providers to manage/deploy our infrastructure. In this workshop we will focus on AWS provider. However, there is a full list of supported providers on terraform documentation page. It is worth mentioning other providers such as Azure, Google Cloud Platform or OpenStack as other important cloud providers or tools such as Docker or Kubernetes.

1 Infrastructure as code is the process of provisioning and managing cloud resources by writing template files that humans can easily read and machines can process. Features:




AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation provides a common language for you to model and provision AWS and third party application resources in your cloud environment. AWS CloudFormation allows you to use programming languages or a simple text file to model and provision, in an automated and secure manner, all the resources needed for your applications across all regions and accounts. This gives you a single source of truth for your AWS and third party resources.1



1 source:

To be able to proceed to the following steps, we need a set of tools to be installed. Some of them are mandatory to make the development and deployment of Terraform work. However, other tools are optional but recommended to facilitate our work.

$ pip install awscli
$ pip install aws-mfa

First of all, we need to set up our environment to later be able to deploy our resources. To do so, we must follow the AWS documentation. We describe below the procedure anyway.

In the IAM Section in the AWS Console, we have to go to users and select the user we want to use for the deployment. We select Security credentials and Create access key (if not previously created). Copy the user access key and secret access key provided.

If you do not find the file ~/.aws/credentials in the cases below, type:

$ aws configure

and set the default region (e.g. eu-west-1).

Case 1: Unique account for users and services

If you are not using MFA and simply use an account for users and services (which is not recommended), just set the values copied above in an ~/.aws/credentials file:

    aws_access_key_id = YOURACCESSKEYID
    aws_secret_access_key = YOURSECRETACCESSKEY

Case 2: AWS Users Account and AWS Services Account separately

If you use MFA and a user account for the IAM users and a service account for the services (and where you want to deploy your services) as shown in the image below…

… you must follow this configuration:

$ pip install aws-mfa
[profile default]

[profile terraform-long-term]
region = eu-west-1
output = json
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/role_to_be_assumed
source_profile = default

Note that the source_profile is the profile that gives us permissions to do an assume role. Therefore, we need to define those credentials for it in the ~/.aws/config file.

aws_access_key_id = YOURACCESSKEYID
aws_secret_access_key = YOURSECRETACCESSKEY
aws_mfa_device = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/iam_user
aws-mfa --profile terraform

This will place the right credentials in the ~/.aws/credentials file. However, note that this credentials will expire and we will need to execute the command below again once they are expired.

Task: Set up your own environment.

A Terraform project might consist of the following templates:

  1. It is the main template. This is the template which is called, for instance, when a terraform apply or terraform destroy is executed. It contains the resource definitions and data sources. If modules are defined, it can invoke those modules.

  2. It contains the variable definitions and, optionally, the default values. These variables will be called from the main file and are global to the folder/module1.

  3. terraform.tfvars: Values for the variables defined in the

  4. It contains the outputs variables of the project/module (if any).

  5. terraform.tfstate: This is a generated file that contains the state of the deployment. Even if it is generated, its existence is mandatory once we have do the deployment. If it is removed or lost, Terraform will consider that nothing has been deployed and, hence, we would have missed the “connection” with the previously deployed resources.

MAIN: From the list of files above, the only which is mandatory is the

VARIABLES: If the terraform.tfvars file is not created or some variables values (without default values) are not defined there, the missing values will be requested later from the command line.

OUTPUTS: file will contain only the output variables we want. The name of those variables can be different to the resources created.

MODULES: A project might contain one or more modules placed in a subdirectory. The file structure of a module is identical to the root folder. Consequently, the only mandatory file is the Additionally, the name of the module will be the name of the directory where those files are contained.

1 As we will see, we can also define local variables. However, these local variables will be defined in the file.

Task: Create a project with the basic directory structure and initialize it with terraform (use terraform init).

Note: You do not need to create the module folder.

Provider set-up

Case 1: Unique account for users and services

First of all, if you are using a single account for IAM users and services, and you are not using MFA, you just need to set the following configuraion in the (this is the simplest case, but not recommended):

provider "aws" {
  version = "~=2.40"
  region = "<region>"
  profile = "<profile>"

In this case:

Case 2: AWS Users Account and AWS Services Account separately

In AWS it is recommended to use an account for users separated from an account where the services will be deployed.

Additionally, it is recommended to use the MFA. For the MFA, follow the AWS Set up section. For using a service account by assuming a role by a user, you need to set the following configuration:

provider "aws" {
  version = "~> 2.40"
  region  = "<region>"
  profile = "<profile>"
  assume_role {
    role_arn = "<role_to_be_assumed>"

In this case, the role_to_be_assumed is a role defined in the service account that grant permissions to the user to access to services in the service account.

Initialize the project

The first step before deployment is to initialize the project. This will download the provider plugin and the used modules. To do do this, just type:

$ terraform init

You will need to do this each time you add a module (either local or external).

Prepare the deployment

You can play with different commands to check that your code is prepare and ready for deployment:

$ terraform fmt

You need this to do this in all your folders (root directory and modules). Otherwise, the formatting check and fix will only apply to the current directory.

$ terraform plan

In case of success, it will indicate the changes that will be peformed during the deployment.

In case of an update of your infrastructure, it will show which resources will be created, which ones will be removed and which ones will be updated (following the current state in terraform.tfstate file).


Now that you have check that everything is ok, you are ready for the deployment.

  1. Run the aws-mfa tool as indicated in a previous section to set the updated credentials (if applicaable).
  2. Deploy your infrastructure:
$ terraform apply

You will be requested whether you want to actually deploy the infrastructure. Type yes.

To skip the human validation and confirm that you want to (un-)deploy your infrastructure, you can add the auto-approve option to the terraform apply.

Task: Try these commands with your (empty) project.


To undeploy your code, just type:

$ terraform destroy

The destruction of services will be based on the terraform.tfstate file. If you remove such file, Terraform will not know which services it needs to destroy and, consequently, nothing will be done.

These are the most useful Terraform options:

However, find all the options by typing terraform -h

Input variables


The definition of variables should be done in the file.

A variable must/can contain:

Note: Only the type clause is mandatory in the variable definition.

variable  "<var_name>" {
  type = <type>
  description = "<Usage of the variable>"
  validation {
    condition = <condition the variable value must satisy>
    error_message = "<Message to display>"

Note: Variable validation is in experimental phase. We have to enable this experimental feature in our module or main project:

terraform {
  experiments = [variable_validation]


variable "sg_bastion_host_name" {
  type = "string"
  description = "Security group for the bastion host"
  default = "bastion_sg_name"
  validation = {
    condition = can(regex("!^sg", var.sg_bastion_host))
    error_message = "The security group cannot start with the prefix \"sg\""

Access to variables

The access of a variable can be done from the same directory where the file is placed, including the file itself. A variable is accessed by using the var.<var_name> syntax1. For instance, for a var named  tags and defined in we would access to it in the following way:

resource "aws_instance" "bastion_host" {
  tags = var.tags

Values for variables

The values of the variables specified in the can be:

The second one is the most recommended one because:

In general, we use the file terraform.tfvars to define the values of variables. However, we can use these other names:

  • terraform.tfvars.json
  • any files with names ending with .auto.tfvars .auto.tfvars.json

The values for the variables in that file can be specified by setting name = value. For instance:

security_group_name = "bastion_name_sg"

Other ways to set variables

$ export TF_VAR_security_group_name=bastion_sg_name
$ terraform apply -var="security_roup_name=bastion_sg_name"

Local variables

We can define local variables in the file if we do not want to define some values locally. This can be defined in the locals section.

locals {
  mylocalvar = "this is a local variable value"
  tags = {
    Name = "Value"

To use these local variables, just call it by using the local. prefix. For instance:

resource "aws_instance" "bastion_host" {
  tags = local.tags

Task: Create the following set of variables:

  • a set of variables in the file with a default value
  • a set of variables in the file without a default value
  • from some of the variables defined above, add values in a file terraform.tfvars
  • create a local variable in the file

1 In old versions of Terraform (<= 0.11>) variables were referenced within a ${} block, e.g. ${var.variable_name}.

Output variables

Output variables are specified in a file named The structure of an output variable is as follows:

output "<var_name> {
  value = <value_reference>
  description = "<description of the output variables>"
  depends_on = [

From the parameters of an output variable, only the value is mandatory.

For instance, we can define an output as:

output "bastion_ip" {
  value = aws_instance.bastion.public_ip
  description = "Public IP of the bastion host"

Output variables can be accessed once the infrastructure has been deployed with the output option and, optionally, the variable name. For instance

$ terraform output bastion_ip

We can access output values from child modules by referring them with the syntax module.<module_name>.<output_variable>. For instance:

elb_endpoint_url = module.elb.elb_endpoint_url

A resource is an object in the infrastructure. Each resource block is equivalent to one or more objects in the infrastructure.

The resource definition structure is as follows:

resource "<resource_type>" "<resource_name>" {
  <parameter> = <parameter_value>

The resource together with the resource_type identify a resource.

In other words, a resource is an instance of a resource type. It is equivalent to Java objects where we have classes and objects

The list of Terraform resource types is available in the Terraform documentation.

For each resource type, Terraform gives us usually an example of how can we build it with some of the options1:

Implicit dependencies

The defined resources are deployed in parallel unless some dependency between them is set. Implicit dependencies are created when a resource uses the value of another resource. For instance, in the image below, the aws_elb_listener has a dependency with aws_elb_target_group because we needs the value of the target group to be create the listener.


Sometimes, we need to create resources conditionally, regarding specific parameter values. Conditions are specified through counters within resources:

 count = (<condition> ? 1 : 0)

A condition can be anything, such as the length of a variable is not zero, the value of a variable is equals to some value, etc. Following the structure above, if the condition is satisfied, the resource will be created. Otherwise, the resource creation will be skipped. However, we can revert this behavior by either negating the condition or by setting:

 count = (<not_condition> ? 1 : 0)

As an example of a resource creation, see the image above (the aws_elb_listener is created if var.elb_cert_id is set).

Task: Create the following infrastructure: Resources exercise

Install the httpd service, create a sample html page and try to access to it (check security groups if it does not work). We will see in section [data sources](#Adding external files) how to add these actions to automatize the user_data.

Clue: To help you with this, find these resources implemented in the project (search in the vpc and elb modules).

1 source:

A module is a folder with resources that pursue the same goal. For instance, we can create a module for a bastion host (which will contain the EC2 instance, its security group, etc.), a module for an ELB (with the target groups, security groups, etc.).

Apart from the modules you define, Terraform community has a set of modules for AWS which are publicly accessible. Find them here.

A module follows the same structure than the root of the project specified below. It will have an input, a main and an output (as well as the variable values - if needed). It will follow exactly the same rules than the root folder of the project. However, it will be in a subfolder within it.

Treat a module as an isolated subproject within the main Terraform project. The module is isolated from the root project even if the root project will have access to the module output variables.

Module invocation

Assume that we have created a module (named bastion - therefore, in a folder with such name) with a set of input variables:

variable bastion_name {
  type = string
variable bastion_subnet_id {
  type = string

and a set of output variables:

output bastion_public_ip {
  value = aws_instance.bastion.public_ip
output bastion_sg {
  value =

The provider is implicit in a module and will inherit from the root project. However, nothing forbids to specify the own provider in the module either it is the same or a different one from the root project.

To call such module from the root project, in the file, just write:

module "bastion" {
  source = "./bastion"
  bastion_name =
  bastion_subnet_id = var.bastion_subnet_id

(in this case, we have defined variable values in the file)

The source part is mandatory when calling a module. This serves to know where to find the code for the module.

To refer to the output values from the module, we will specify module.<module_name>.<output_variable>

For instance, we can use it as an output of the root project:

variable bastion_ip {
  value = module.bastion.bastion_public_ip
  description = "Bastion host public IP"

Task: Create modules for the example in the previous section and add a bastion host.

Data sources are mechanisms to retrieve data which, in general, does not take part of our infrastructure and needs to be used in our Terraform templates.

Examples of data sources are:

The structure of a data source definition is:

data <datasource_type> <datasource_name> {
  <parameter_type> = <parameter_value>

Let’s put an example. Imagine we need to retrieve the most recent AMI id for an Ubuntu distro, with HVM virtualization type, EBS as storage volume, and we know that the owner is 099720109477. To do so, we need to create a data source with the following configuration:

data "aws_ami" "ubuntu_ami" {
  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["ubuntu*"]
  filter {
    name   = "virtualization-type"
    values = ["hvm"]
  filter {
    name   = "root-device-type"
    values = ["ebs"]
  filter {
    name   = "state"
    values = ["available"]
  owners      = ["099720109477"]
  most_recent = true


Task 1: Retrieve the availability zones for a given region Task 2: Find a way to get the public IP of your host with data sources.

Adding external files

One of the advantages of Terraform against CloudFormation is that it allows invoking external scripts. In general, those scripts are suffixed with the .tpl extension. A typical example is to use those scripts as the user_data in an EC2 instance. For instance, we can define the following file…

#! /bin/bash
yes | sudo apt-get update
yes | sudo apt-get upgrade
yes | sudo apt-get install squid

… and adding it as a data source:

data "template_file" "user_data" {
  template = file("${path.module}/")

We can also pass parameters to a script by specifying the vars clause. For instance (in this case, var.elb_url indicates that it is a variable that comes from the file):

data "template_file" "user_data" {
  template = file("${path.module}/")

  vars = {
    elb = var.elb_url

We can set the following environment variables for debugging:

Task: Set some of these variables, especially TF_LOG and TF_LOG_PATH and analyze the traces

Now that you know…

… it’s time to put your hands on new projects and start new challenges!